“It’s always te…

“It’s always tempting to decry the present historical moment as uniquely depraved. More specifically, it’s easy to look at the Isla Vista shooter and say something about kids today. But kids today are like that because we made them like that. If we cherish the hope of fewer shooting sprees in the future, fewer guns would help. It would also help to discourage one half of the population from thinking of the other half as mechanisms that should be destroyed if they fail to respond appropriately to certain stimuli. The United States would be a safer place if there were fewer guns. It would also help if there were fewer rakes.”

This from the last paragraph of Jonathan Beecher Field’s essay Guns ‘N’ Rakes printed in Avidly

Isla Vista: Two Essays

Famous Writers I Recommend

Famous Writers I Recommend

Tana French

I’d like to share examples of what I feel are really entertaining storytelling.  Sure, there is an abundance of good literature out there.  But I like what I like, and I know what I like.  I have three personal favorites, and many more that I admire and respect.  Those of us who have role models we use to help us get better – I include here, even if it means aiming HIGH.

Famous Writers I Recommend

Famous Writers I Recommend

Philip Kerr

I’d like to share examples of what I feel are really entertaining storytelling.  Sure, is an abundance of good literature out there.  But I like what I like, and I know what I like.  I have three personal favorites, and many more that I admire and respect.  Those of us who have role models we use to help us get better – I include here, even if it means aiming HIGH.

Famous Writers I Recommend

Famous Writers I Recommend

Robert Crais

I’d like to share examples of what I feel are really entertaining storytelling.  Sure, there is an abundance of good literature out there.  But I like what I like, and I know what I like.  I have three personal favorites, and many more that I admire and respect.  Those of us who have role models we use to help us get better – I include here, even if it means aiming HIGH.