The Loss of Innocence

Things have changed since I was younger, in a way which I am unhappy about.  I want it to be like it was in the ‘old days’.  What do I mean by ‘old days’?  I mean the days when some things were better than they are now some places.  I want it to be like it was when we left our front doors unlocked, and NEVER gave it any thought.  I want to look outside and see lots of little children selling homemade lemonade, BY THEMSELVES.  I want popcorn balls, fresh baked cookies and cupcakes, even fruit handed out as a Halloween treat that’s safe to eat. I want back some of the innocence we’ve lost. Why did it happen? Did it have to happen? I miss it. Do you miss it too?
If you are younger than I am and you do not get what I am talking about, I apologize. I am sorry that you’ll never get the chance to experience what I’ve been describing so you can decide for yourself whether or not you agree with me. I’m sorry that the choice has been denied to you. Do you have somethings that I didn’t when I was your age? If so, is it a fair exchange? I don’t believe so. What would you trade for the loss of innocence? Is there anything left to lose? Is there anything more to gain?

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